5 ways to choose the best Christmas Gifts!

5 ways to choose the best Christmas Gifts!

The most wonderful time of the year has arrived and the most popular activity is the exchange of gifts! However, choosing a successful gift can be very stressful, either because we want to thank the recipient or because we want to leave a good impression! In any case, choosing a gift is not simple, because it can bring us closer or even disappoint us. 

Therefore, here we have compiled the six ways you can follow to choose the most successful gifts for your loved ones, without stress! 

paper and pen on table to write list of xmas gifts

1. Start with pen and paper first! Make a list of all the people you want to give gifts to and your total budget. That way you do not have to worry about not having enough money or leaving some obligations unpaid because of the presents. We want more smiles this season and no stress or anxiety.

2. It's time to brainstorm! Think of more than one option for each so you can be flexible, both financially and in case you do not find the first option you have in mind. And at this stage, it is helpful to do some online market research before you go to the stores! Somewhere you can find excellent deals or better prices and even new options you have not thought of.

woman unwrapping wrapped gifts under christmas tree
3. The point of magic! How impatient we all were as children to tear the wrapping and discover what gift was underneath! It is an entertaining phase that can enhance or even downgrade the gift if it is neglected or unfortunate. Luckily, there are plenty of choices to make your presents spectacular! At Helium, we opted for packaging in Craft tones and a burgundy ribbon!

4. Money, money, money!!! We often fall into the trap of thinking that an expensive gift will make the recipient of our gift happier. However, research has shown that the happiness and excitement you feel about a gift is how much you like it, how much it suits you, and how much you need it, not how expensive it is or is not. So even if your finances are tight, do not stress; there are many clever ideas to make the most beautiful gifts!

gifts box with christmas rocking horse and wooden ball ornament and wooden bird house
5. Personal touch! A gift is successful not only when it perfectly suits the recipient; but also when it has the personal touch of the giver. It is common to focus entirely on the recipient and leave no room for your additions. Set yourself free this time. 

After all, let us not forget that the true meaning of Christmas lies in love, acceptance, forgiveness, companionship, gift-giving, and unique memories with our loved ones and family.  

Happy Holidays from the Helium Project Team, 

 Evi and Fedra

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